Team Leader: Luca Verzichelli (PhD, University of Florence) is Professor of Political science at the University of Siena. He has been visiting scholar at the Universities of Columbia (New York), Montreal, Australian National University (Canberra), Granada, Jena, Oxford and Frankfurt. His main field of interest is the study of democratic elites and institutions. Former member of the executive committee of the European Consortium of Political Research, he is currently Chair of the Italian Political Science Association Among his publications, The Europe of Elites (Oxford University Press, 2012 co-edited with Heinrich Best and Gyorgy Lengyel) and The fate of European Political Scientists. From mith to action (Palgrave 2023, with Giliberto Capano).

Linda Basile is a Research fellow in Political Science at the University of Siena and co-editor of the peer-reviewed journal European Political Science. Her main research areas include territorial politics, electoral politics, public opinion and party politics. She teaches research design and quantitative methods, public opinion, survey and data analysis, design thinking and participatory processes.


Sabrina Cavatorto is an assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Siena with expertise in European governance and better regulation. She has been teaching public policy analysis and evaluation for many years, a field in which she conducts research at national and European level. In particular, she dealt with regulatory impact analysis, an activity on which she trained in national and regional administrations in Italy. She also worked on consultation processes and deliberative experiments. She focused on the Europeanisation of national parliaments in the post-Lisbon scenario and addressed the politicisation in the Italian parliamentary arena of European economic governance in the years of the Euro-zone crisis. More recently, she has conducted research on administrative reforms in Italy and is working on the implementation of national recovery and resilience plans (NRRPs) in a comparative perspective (Italy and Spain). Notably, her research deals with the relationship between national implementation structures and performance quality from a policy-oriented perspective.

Maurizio Cotta is Emeritus professor at the University of Siena. He held visiting professorships at the University of Texas at Austin, the European University Institute, and the Central European University, and was visiting research fellow at the Center for European Studies of Harvard University. Author of several books and articles on Political Institutions, Party Government (2000), Democratic Representation and Political Eliteshas coordinate the EU funded projects INTUne(6th FP) and EUENGAGE (Horizon 2020).



Mattia Guidi is a CIRCaP fellow, and an associate professor of political science at the University of Siena, where he teaches courses in global political economy and political communication. His research interests revolve around comparative and global political economy, the economic governance of the EU, and EU competition policy. He has published in international journals such as International Organization, Socio-Economic Review, European Union Politics. His latest monograph, “The Law and Politics of Global Competition” (2022, co-authored with C. Townley and M. Tavares) is published by Oxford University Press.

Sergio Martini (PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) is a CIRCaP fellow and Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Siena where he teaches Global Comparative Politics. His research interests are in public opinion, voting behavior, democratic quality and methodology. He has published in international journals such as Political Psychology, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics and Party Politics. His monograph, “Citizens and Democracy in Europe Contexts, Changes and Political Support” (2020, co-authored with Mario Quaranta) is published by Palgrave.

Paolo Marzi is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Siena. Previously, he worked at the University of Turin on the EUComMeet project. He obtained his PhD in Political Science, European Studies and International Relations from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (2021). His main research interests deal with Euroscepticism, European politics, political elites, and experimental political science.